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Motorcyclists Fighting Blindness ...the great Canadian tradition continues!

Ride for Sight
...because you can!
En Route pour la Vue
...parce que nous pouvons!
Fundraising can be fun!
Print a Donor Form, Request a Donor Book, or go high-tech and request your donations through our Online Fundraising site. It's easy.
Start early. Holiday, family get-togethers are a perfect place
to start.
First donate to yourself, set the bar and others will follow.
Next, ask people who you know are most likely to support you. This will ensure success on your first day of fundraising. Don't forget to mention that you have already made a donation to yourself.
Ask everyone! No donation is too small and every little bit helps … $5 ... $20 … $150. Think of your Doctor, Dentist, Vet, anywhere you shop, your gym, anyone you make eye contact with.
Did you know? Many companies offer employee fundraising matching programs. Ask your employer if they will match your donations! Companies that have matching programs: Manulife Financial, RBC and TD.
Make it personal, let people know your connection to the cause if they want to know. Let people know where their money is going? Education and awareness is part of our mission, so include personal stories and vision loss facts, in your ask, that will help open eyes and hearts. Let people know that because of their generous support important research will be done.
It's okay to ask for a specific amount. Sometimes people will ask "how much should I give or how much are other people giving", be prepared to give them an answer.
Bring in cookies, cupcakes or order pizza for the entire office or class and let everyone know you are fundraising for a great cause, ask for donations. $5 bucks a slice.
Send reminders to people who said they would give but have not had time to donate. People forget, get busy and want to donate so a reminder will help. Make your list and check it twice.
On your emails, customize your personal email signature and insert your online fundraising link. This way, your fundraising will be set on automatic pilot and you will be fundraising each time you send, reply or forward an email! How easy is that!
Sample Signature:
Tom Jones
123 Company
On June 12, 2022, I will be hitting the road with Ride for Sight in support of Fighting Blindness Canada. They are funding important vision research. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by visiting my personal fundraising Page at: (insert your personal fundraising link).

Fundraising Events you can plan yourself!
Garage/Yard Sale
Work or Community BBQ
Host a Food & Wine tasting
Organize a Dance
Make something you can raffle/auction off
Organize an event with your Club
Organize an event with your local Lion's Club
(the Knights of the Blind)
Tournament – baseball, tennis, bowling, darts, poker
Fashion show
Plan a Jeans Day at work
Lemonade Stand - get your whole family involved
Monopoly or other board game/card tournament
Host a fundraising dinner at a local restaurant and have
someone with vision loss share their personal story

Let us know your success stories, interesting fundraising ideas, and we'll post them here.
Good Luck, and we will see you at the Celebration!

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