Motorcyclists Fighting Blindness ...the great Canadian tradition continues!
Ride for Sight
...because you can!
En Route pour la Vue
...parce que nous pouvons!
We're happy to announce our new ONLINE Fundraising Site.
Over the years you've spoken - and we've heard you.
We've found a much easier platform for you to use for your ONLINE Fundraising.
ONLINE Fundraisers
get extra chances
throughout the season
to win prizes.
What can I use my Online Fundraising Page for?
Once you have started your Online Fundraising Page, you can easily send personal requests for donations to your fundraising efforts, to all or some of your E-mail contacts, and you can also make requests through your FACEBOOK page.
Once you've sent your requests, your fundraising success will be tracked on your page. Your Donors will receive their Tax Receipts quickly through their email. And you can even personalize a Thank you email to go out to all your Donors, as they donate, automatically.
You can even invite friends to join you at the Ride for Sight Celebration from your page.
How do I get My Personal Online Fundraising Page?
Click on the Start Your Online Fundraising button.
You'll go to the secure Ride for Sight Fundraising site.
Hit the red Register button in the right hand corner.
If you have participated in Ride for Sight in the past three years:
Select "Returning Participant" and use the info below to create your
Username and Password:
Your NEW Username is
your 'first initial' + 'the first 3 letters of your last name' + 'RFS'
For example: John Smith’s Username would be jsmiRFS
Sara Creat's Username would be screRFS
Enter your Username
Then scroll down a bit and hit Forgot Password
You will be sent a link via email to reset your Password (if you don't see it - check your Junk folder)
Follow the prompts and you'll be set up. (If you don't know what email address you used in the past - give Jennifer a call at 1-800-461-3331 Ext. 271 - she can help, or send an email to
Now Set UP your new Personal Page
On the menu on the left choose MY PAGE (1)
If you are a Returning Rider
Tap the Scroll Down Menu (Import Rider History) and choose Donor History - Ride for Sight (2)
Move to the right side of the page and hit the green Edit button (3)
Now the fun begins, be creative - it's your page.
Name Your Page (4)
Enter Your Fundraising Goal (5)
Name Your URL (6) ( ie. rideforsight2022briankane) - only letters and numbers, and no space
Now add your personal pictures and/or video Images (7)
click on the empty image box (7)
choose Image or Video (8)
for image Choose Image
click the Image Box (9) or the Upload button (10)
for Video Choose Video (8)
copy a URL from Youtube into the space (9a)
or use the the URL for the Ride for Sight Video
and choose your image from your computer or phone
(to remove any pic or video - scroll onto the pic/video and clck the X in the right hand corner)
Down Menu (Import Rider History) and choose Donor History - Ride for Sight (2)
Move to the right side of the page and hit the green Edit button (3)
Now the fun begins, be creative - it's your page.
Name Your Page (4)
Enter Your Fundraising Goal (5)
Name Your URL (6) ( ie. rideforsight2022briankane) - only letters and numbers, and no spaces